
Friday Dec 04, 2020
I cannot give you more time . . .
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
I cannot give you more time. But, I can show you the doorway back to you. I can guide you through some of the common traps. And show you the steps. I can help you reclaim who you were put on this earth to be. And teach you how to start to notice the messages, beliefs, habits, programming loops and strategies that are no longer consistent with who you are at your highest and best. I can challenge you to think differently about what you have been told is true about being human. And I can hold space for you on the journey. The 6 Steps to Stress Recovery and Burnout Prevent is LIVE.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
The 4 Centers of Energy
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Physical. Emotional. Mental. Spiritual. These are the 4 centers of energy that directly influence our daily capacity to do all the things we want to do. What if I told you that you have the innate ability, not only to recover from the stress of your day to day life, but also to increase your resilience and expand your capacity for the future. This episode walks you through how your energy centers directly influence your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and also how, with awareness and intention, you can build and sustain optimal performance across all four centers.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Election Day
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Election day is here and the possibilities are open-ended. With big decisions being made that will affect our lives as a whole, intentional self-care and coping strategies will help us more than ever to adapt to the changing circumstances. The effect trauma can have on our lives is evident in our work, our relationships, and deep within ourselves. As overwhelming as #2020 has been, there are things you can do to support your nervous system, mitigate your trauma reaction, and restore your equilibrium. In this podcast episode, I will reveal my suggestions for supporting each other, our communities, and ourselves, in the coming months.

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Getting to Know Burnout
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
I flirted with burnout a couple of weeks ago, but I recognized it and was able to walk myself back from the ledge. In order to avoid (or recover) from burnout, we need to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms, choose to save ourselves, and invest in intentional recovery practices at least(!) until we start to feel like ourselves again. If we want to stay well, we need to integrate recovery into our daily lives. Listen here to learn more about how to recognize burnout before you become a frog in boiling water.

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Don't Miss It!
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
What do you not want to miss? We often get a huge dose of perspective when we lose someone or something we love. Or when we get a serious or possibly terminal diagnosis. When we are reminded that no moment is guaranteed. One of the elements of living in alignment with our own well-being is to be very clear on what matters most to us. This is your reminder. And your permission.

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Why Does Why Matter So Much?
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
EPISODE 50!! In this episode I go deeper into the 1st step of the 6 steps for stress recovery and burnout prevention I have been using with clients and in my own life. Without our Why as an anchor, guidepost, measuring stick and North Star, we become a hamster on a hamster wheel . . . charging forward at full speed but getting nowhere . . .until we exhaust ourselves and collapse. But when we do the work to ground ourselves and stay connected to our Why, all of the other decisions become easier, we can see our progress along the way and we are able to maintan resilience in the face of extraordinary challenges.

Friday Aug 28, 2020
6 Steps for Stress Management and Burnout Prevention
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
You feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed and chronically depleted. Constant change and uncertainty is wearing you thin. You want to feel better, but you don't know how. And you certainly don't have the energy to do it alone. Guess what?! You don't have to! In this episode I outline the 6 steps I regularly use to touch base with myself and recalibrate my stress recovery in order to feel calmer, more relaxed, rested and to stay well despite all that 2020, and life in general, keeping throwing our way.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
On Filters and Lenses
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Not too long ago my filter came off. And (this time) I couldn’t blame it on fatigue. I was in a SAFE space. And the space of that relationship made all the difference. Safe places to be seen, in all of our beauty and our mess, are critical to well-being (and any trauma-healing journey).

Monday Aug 03, 2020
On "Special" Moments
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
In this episode I reflect on the pressure we put on ourselves (and often on others) for certain moments or experiences to be “special” or “perfect”. And the more tightly we hold on to our own construct, the more likely we are to miss out. Because life, and people, are messy. On the other hand, if we give ourselves permission to lean into what “is,” we will find gifts, and stories, in the mess.

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
On Puppies and Humans
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Watching the newness of everything through a puppy’s eyes and in contrast to the pain that is boiling over in our world right now, I am reminded that one of the ways in which we have learned to deflect and disassociate from the pain of other humans is by rationalizing all of the ways they “deserved” what happened to them. How can we start to look at the world, and each other, with new eyes full of compassion and with true empathy?