
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
The Price of Being a Superhero
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
What is my "superhero origin story"? What happens when we cannot rest until everyone and everything else is taken care of? What happens when we believe if we could just do enough, be enough, get "there", earn all of the awards and promotions and titles and money and accumulate all of the things, that somehow we will no longer be afraid. Or desperately lonely? What happens when we have to choose--whether consciously or unconsciously--between being known and being safe? And what is so beautiful about my healing journey now as I learn how to expand beyond "neutral"? Join me for this episode where I explore all of this and more.

Thursday Nov 30, 2023
What Is Underneath May Be Keeping You Stuck
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Our adaptations keep us alive. But not without cost. While my conscious beliefs were definitely problematic and contributed to my descent into burnout and mental illness, I have come to understand that underneath those conscious beliefs was nervous system patterning that fueled my capacity to run myself into the wall over and over and over again until my body and mind broke under the assault. In this episode I share a story about the retreat I didn't want to go to and how "what is underneath" is an invisible and yet powerful force that may be keeping us stuck.

Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Why is it so hard to rest?
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
It turns out that resting is hard (in this culture). And the truth is, I didn't really give myself permission to rest until I was literally no longer able to function. Until I had exhausted my body and mind almost beyond repair. In this episode I share some of the unhelpful and downright destructive beliefs, fears and patterning around rest that I have wrestled with and succumbed to in the past, and the ways in which I am working to reframe and repattern over the course of my healing journey. I hope some of these practices are helpful for you too!

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Your People Need You to Rest More
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
I had no idea that my inability to rest and recover from the stress and overwhelm of life was going to push me to a breaking point. But it did. Rest is THE foundational practice that allows our body to support us in reaching for our dreams, caring for others, and staying connected to the full experience of being human. In this episode I explain what I mean by "rest" and make the case for why your people need you to rest more. I also share strategies for completing the stress cycle (to make it easier to rest) and tips for supporting better sleep.

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Hello Again!
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Welcome to Season 2 of the Freedom from Empty Podcast! In this episode I share a little behind the scenes of some of the events that prompted an unplanned 20-month hiatus from the podcast, how my journey continues to evolve, and I also include some business and podcast updates. Join me now for this new season.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
When Did You Lose Your Voice
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
I have come to believe that our unadulterated voice is an expression of the divine. But there are a million reasons why you may have lost (pieces of) your voice on your journey to where you are now. In this episode I share when I first lost my voice, what it has been like to reclaim it so far, and the steps I continue to take to heal and reintegrate my voice with my whole being. I also offer some gentle "new scripts" for you to use with your own tender heart and soul as needed. Your voice is worthy of being heard. TW: This episode includes descriptions of physical and emotional abuse.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Interview with Jen Schappel
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
What are some mythperceptions we all hold about what self-care, wellness and wellbeing "look like" vs. what they actually can mean for us? Are movement and exercise the same thing and can exercise be bad for you? What if listening to your body could save your life? What would it look like if you learned to be kind to your body instead of punishing it for its faults and failures? And what if we cheered each other on more because we are all, overwhelmingly, doing the best with can with what is in front of us each day? Tune into my conversation with Jen Schappel, Founder of KindBody Movement as we explore these questions and more.

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Freedom to Surrender
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Letting go of what we know can be terrifying. But holding on too tightly to things that are no longer for us can keep us stuck and ultimately make us sick. In this episode I share how surrender has been a gateway in my life. This gateway not only sent me along the path to professional opportunities but also has been the recurring theme in my reclamation of my health and well-being after decades spent performing at all costs. Listen to learn more about the freedom that can come with surrender.

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Interview with Erika Biddix
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
"Owning a business that is based on my purpose allows me to be who I am, not what I do." Join me for this interview with Erika Biddix, Founder of Biddix Meetings and Events and Aught LLC, to hear the story of how she went from outsourcing her life so that she could do more work for her corporate boss to creating a thriving community for female entrepreneurs that also allows her to be present with her kids and family. We also chat about how self-care isn't the same for everyone, nor should it be. Instead, it should be an intentional response to the current needs and stressors in your life.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
What Will You Do with the Pause
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
There are moments in our lives when, for whatever reason, we find ourselves with clear(er) calendars and fewer to-dos or perhaps a moment or a season when our priorities are turned on their head. If we don’t pause from time to time (or honor the pause that finds it way to us) and ask ourselves whether the way we are living is actually giving us life, we may find ourselves at the end wondering how we managed to waste this one wild and precious life (per Mary Oliver). The pause is precious. It is a chance to change everything that needs to be changed. To heal everything that needs to be healed. One pause at a time. What will you do with the pause?